Page 13 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 13
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
n the early 20th century, scientists discovered something
new: that matter was not as we had imagined it to be.
Matter was not solid. Matter had no colors. It gave off
no smells, sounds or image. Matter was simply energy. The chair you
sit in, the table you lean on, the house you live in, your dogs, the peo-
ple around you, buildings, space, stars—in short, the whole material
world exists as a form of energy.
In the face of this unexpected discovery, all philosophies con-
structed on the basis of matter therefore suffered a scientific collapse.
Science revealed the proof of something inside the human body but
not belonging to it, something that perceived the entire physical
world, but was not itself physical: the human soul.
The soul could not be explained in any way in terms of material-
ist claims. Darwinism, which produced countless fictitious tales re-
garding the imaginary evolution of species, remained silent in the face
of the existence of the soul. Because the soul was not matter, it was a
metaphysical concept. And metaphysics was something that material-
ists were completely unable to accept, because metaphysics did away
with all the unconscious events, coincidences and random processes
that they had deified. Metaphysics submitted evidence of a conscious
creation, in other words, of the existence of Allah. That, in any case,
was why materialists had been denying the existence of the soul ever
since the days of Ancient Greece.
This struggle, which had persisted since Ancient Greece right up
to the present, now became meaningless because there is an enti-
ty that makes a human being human, that lets you say, “This is
me.” That, in other words, is your soul: It exists, and it belongs to
Allah. Science definitively proved that the human soul ob-
served all things as they were presented to it and