Page 149 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 149
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
twins. This amazingly complex system has been arranged sepa-
rately and assumes a different form, by the will of Allah, in ev-
ery human being. Yet it still maintains the same complexity. 93
Computers are designed by imitating the perfect system in the
brain. Kerry Bernstein, an experienced technology expert with
IBM, one of the largest firms in the computer field, says that al-
though computers have copied the brain in many respects, the de-
sign in the brain is too perfect to be replicated using any existing
technology. Bernstein makes the following comment:
There is an extraordinary parallel circuit in the brain. A single data
byte can reach 100,000 neurons at the same time. This makes the
brain hundreds of thousands of times quicker than the fastest known
computer. It is impossible for us to carry this out electronically. 94
Therefore, comparing the brain to a computer is too facile, and
does not do full justice to the brain’s superior capacity. Gerald M.
Edelman offers this statement:
Computers are merely an imitation of the brain’s perfect system. One byte of infor-
mation in the brain can be instantaneously disseminated to 100,000 neurons.
Therefore, the brain is hundreds of thousands of times faster than the
fastest computer. It is impossible to compare the brain with modern-
day technology.