Page 160 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 160

Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul

                  phasizing that inexplicability.
                      One such example is these words by Jeffrey M. Schwartz:

                     . . . although correlating physical brain activity with mental events is
                     an unquestionable scientific triumph, it has left many students of the
                     brain unsatisfied. For neither neuroscientist nor philosopher has ad-
                     equately explained how the behavior of neurons can give rise to sub-
                     jectively felt mental states. Rather, the puzzle of how patterns of neu-
                     ronal activity become transformed into subjective awareness, the
                     neurobiologist Robert Doty argued in 1998, “remains the cardinal
                     mystery of human existence.”   106
                     But is this subject really impossible to explain? Or does it sug-
                gest a fact that scientists are unwilling to see? Are scientists who
                defend quantum physics under the influence of the materialism
                they have for so long regarded as the truth? Or is something else
                preventing them from seeing the truth?
                     Consciousness is very definitely not incapable of explanation.
                The entity that says “I see” the image in the brain, that says “I hear”
                the sounds in the brain, the entity that is aware of its own existence,
                is the soul bestowed on mankind by Allah. Materialist minds are
                unwilling for this to be known. They refrain from this truth being
                noticed. That is the basic reason why materialist scientists claim
                that the issue of consciousness “has still not been resolved.” The
                absolute existence of the soul, and the fact that it is Allah Who be-
                stows the soul on human beings, utterly overturn all their materi-
                alist beliefs and claims. No matter how much they attempt to
                brand the subject as “inexplicable,” it is the soul that is the source
                of consciousness and that says “I am me.”
                     In the Qur’an Allah has revealed that He first created the hu-
                 man body and then breathed His spirit into it:

                     When your Lord said to the angels, “I am creating a human
                     being out of dried clay formed from fetid black mud.
                     When I have formed him and breathed My Spirit into

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