Page 176 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 176

Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul

                  Lord’s wisdom, might and artistry. However, people who mate-
                  rialist philosophy has deceived into believing that matter is the
                sole absolute entity look for some other, equally material entity to
                which they can ascribe all this perfection.
                     This arises from their failure to realize that they are living in-
                side an illusion.
                     When matter is revealed as an illusion, we see clearly the ex-
                istence of the soul. Allah is the only absolute Entity, Who pervades
                and enfolds all things and is unfettered by space and time. He re-
                veals this in another verse:

                     Eyesight cannot perceive Him, but He perceives eyesight. .
                     . . (Surat al-An‘am, 103)
                     Allah pervades our internal and external lives, our sight, our
                thoughts and all our being. We can do nothing, not even breathe,
                without His knowledge. Allah, the one absolute Entity, certainly
                knows everything there is to know about the world that He has cre-
                ated as an illusion, and about man, into whom He has breathed His
                Own Spirit.
                     This is a very simple matter for Allah. As we live our lives,
                and experience those perceptions we imagine to be “the external
                       world,” it is not the illusory objects and other people that
                          are closest to us, but rather our Lord.
                                In one verse Allah reveals that:

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