Page 53 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 53

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                 other, we would find ourselves far beyond the Milky Way and
                 we would need to travel half the length of the observable uni-
                    Though the different wavelengths in the universe have been
               distributed in such a broad spectrum, it is interesting that our Sun’s
               light should have been confined to a very narrow range within that
               spectrum. Seventy percent of the different wavelengths emitted by
               the Sun fall within a very narrow range between 0.3 and 1.5 mi-
               crons (1 micron is one thousandth of a millimeter.)
                    In that range, there are three kinds of light: visible light, near
               infrared rays and ultraviolet rays.
                    But these three types of light represent just one unit in the
               electromagnetic spectrum! In other terms, all the Sun’s light, when
               put together, represents just one out of the 10 playing cards. That
               the Sun’s rays are restricted to such a narrow range is important,
               since only these rays can support life on Earth.

               The visible light, the near infrared
               and ultraviolet rays that reach us
               from the Sun occupy the space of a
               single unit on the electromagnetic
               spectrum. In other words, the light
               reaching us from the Sun is the
               equivalent of just one out of 10 25
               playing cards laid one atop the
               other. It is only these rays that sup-
               port life on Earth.

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