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296                           ‹NSAN MUC‹ZES‹
          1- John Farn don ve An ge la Koo, Hu man Body Fact fin der, Mi les Kelly Pub lis -  50- Guy ton and Hall, 9. Ba sım, s.420
            hing Ltd., İn gil te re, 1999, s. 63  51- Eld ra Pe arl So lo mon, Int ro duc ti on to Hu man Ana tomy and Physi ology,
          2-  Bi lim ve Tek nik Der gi si, Şu bat 1998, sf.61  s.132
          3-  R. von Bre dow, GEO, Ka sım 1997   52- Wal la ce, San ders, Ferl, Bi ology, The Sci en ce of Li fe, Har per Col lins Pub lis -
          4- Gor don Ratt ray Tay lor, The Gre at Evo lu ti on Mystery, Har per&Row, Pub lis -  her Inc.,s. 776
            hers, New York: s.108                53- So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lee, Bi ology, s.1012
          5-  Guy ton and Hall, Text Bo ok of Me di cal Physi ology, 9. Ba sım, s.432  54- Art hur Guy ton-John Hall, Text Bo ok of Me di cal Physi ology Guy ton & Hall, s.
          6-  Bi lim ve Tek nik Der gi si, Şu bat 1998, sf. 62   933-934
          7- The Cir cu la tory System, Re gi na Av ra ham, The Ency lo pe dia of He alth, Chel -  55- Prof. Dr. Ah  met No yan, Ya şam da ve He kim lik te Fiz yo lo ji, s. 1012-1015
            sea Ho use Pub lis hers, Bö lüm 4, s. 49  56- Eld ra Pe arl So lo mon, Int ro duc ti on to Hu man Ana tomy and Physi ology,
          8-  Prof. Dr. Ah met No yan, Ya şam da ve He kim lik te Fiz yo lo ji, 10. Bas kı, Me tek -  s.138
            san A.Ş., Mart 1998, s.670-673       57- So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lee, Bi ology, s.1019
          9- The Cir cu la tory System, Re  gi na Av ra ham, The Ency lo pe dia of He alth, s. 50  58- Eld ra Pe arl So lo mon, Int ro duc ti on to Hu man Ana tomy and Physi ology,
          10- Art hur C. Guy ton, Text Bo ok of Me di cal Physi ology, W.B. Sa un ders Com -  s.138
            pany, 7th Edi ti on, s. 75           59- Pren ti ce Hall Sci en ce, Hu man Bi ology and He alth, Pren ti ce-Hall, Inc.,
          11- Prof. Dr. Ali De mir soy, Ka lı tım ve Ev rim, Me tek san Ya yın la rı, An ka ra, 1995,  U.S.A., New Jer sey, 1994, s. 160
            s. 420                               60- John Farn don ve An ge la Koo, Hu man Body Fact fin der, s. 188
          12- Prof. Dr. Ali De mir soy, Ka lı tım ve Ev rim, s. 416-420  61- John Le ni han, Hu man En gi ner ring, New York, John Bra zil ler Inc. 1974, s. 94
          13- Eld ra Pe arl So lo mon, Int ro duc ti on to Hu man Ana tomy and Physi ology,  62- Dis co very Chan nel, Hu man Mac hi ne, Bre ath of Li fe
            edi ti on, W.B. Sa un ders Comp., Phi la delp hia, Pennsyl va nia, 1992, s.148  63- Eld ra Pe arl So lo mon, Int ro  duc ti on to Hu man Ana tomy and Physi ology, s.
          14- Bi lim ve Tek nik Der gi si, Şu bat 1998,sf.66-67   202
          15- Mic ha el Be he, Dar win's Black Box, New York: Free Press, 1996, s.79-97  64- Guy ton and Hall, 9. Ba sım, s.541
          16- Re gi na Av ra ham, The Cir cu la tory System, The Ency lo pe dia of He alth, s.13  65- Bi olo gi cal Sci en ce A Mo le cu lar App ro ach, Sixth Edi ti on, s. 478
          17- So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lee, Bi ology, Sa un ders Col le ge Pub lis hing, ABD,  66- Eld ra Pe arl So lo mon, Int ro duc ti on to Hu man Ana tomy and Physi ology, s.
            1993, s.890                            204
          18- Mars hall Ca ven dish, The Il lust ra ted Encyc lo pe dia of The Hu man Body, Mic -  67- Mars hall Ca ven dish, The Il lust ra ted Encyc lo pe dia of The Hu man Body, s. 91
            ha el Ca ven dish Bo oks Li mi ted, Lond ra, s. 70   68- So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lee, Bi ology, s. 946
          19- Mars hall Ca ven dish, The Il lust ra ted Encyc lo pe dia of The Hu man Body, s.74  69- Mont go mery, Bi oc he mistry, s.567-568
          20- Mars hall Ca ven dish, The Il lust ra ted Encyc lo pe dia of The Hu man Body, s.  70- Brand & Yan cey, 1980, s.91
            74-75                                71- Prof. Dr. Ah met No yan, Ya şam da ve He kim lik te Fiz yo lo ji, s.1046-1047
          21- Mars hall Ca ven dish, The Il lust ra ted Encyc lo pe dia of The Hu man Body, s.  72- Mars hall Ca ven dish, The Il lust ra ted Encyc lo pe dia of The Hu man Body, s. 40
            74-75                                73- John Farn  don ve An ge la Koo, Hu man Body Fact fin der, s. 85
          22- Cur tis&Bar nes, In vi ta ti on to Bi ology, Worth Pub lis hers, Inc., New York,  74- Pren ti ce Hall Sci en ce, Hu man Bi ology and He alth, s. 39
            1985, s.415                          75- John Farn don ve An ge la Koo, Hu man Body Fact fin der, s. 91
          23- Van der, Sher man, Lu ci ano, İn san Fiz yo lo  ji si, Bi lim sel ve Tek nik Ya yın la rı
            Çe vi ri Vak fı, 1997, s.222-228     76- Sid ney Fox, Kla us Do se, Mo le cu lar Evo lu ti on and The Ori gin of Li fe, New
          24- Li onel Ben der, Sci en ce Facts, Hu man Body, Cres cent Bo oks, New York,  York: Mar cel Dek ker, 1977, s. 2
            New Jer sey, 1992. s.32              77- Ale xan der I. Opa rin, Ori gin of Li fe, (1936) New York, Do ver Pub li ca ti ons,
          25- Mars hall Ca ven dish, The Il lust ra ted Encyc lo pe dia of The Hu man Body, s. 53  1953 (Rep rint), s.196
          26- Re gi na Av ra ham, The Cir cu la tory System, The Ency lo pe dia of He alth, s.43  78- "New Evi den ce on Evo lu ti on of Early At mosp he re and Li fe", Bul le tin of the
          27- Su san Schi efel be in, The Inc re dib le Mac hi ne, Was hing ton, D.C., Na ti onal  Ame ri can Me te oro lo gi cal So ci ety, c. 63, Ka sım 1982, s. 1328-1330
            Ge og rap hic So ci ety,1986         79- Stan ley Mil ler, Mo le cu lar Evo lu ti on of Li fe: Cur rent Sta tus of the Pre bi otic
          28- John Farn don ve An ge la Koo, Hu man Body, Fact fin der, Mi les Kelly Pub lis -  Synthe sis of Small Mo le cu les, 1986, s. 7
            hing Ltd., İn gil te re, 1999, s.191   80- Jeff rey Ba da, Earth, Şu bat 1998, s. 40
          29- So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lee, Bi ology, Sa un ders Col le  ge Pub lis hing, ABD,  81- Les lie E. Or gel, The Ori gin of Li fe on Earth, Sci en ti fic Ame ri can, c. 271,
            1993, s.960                            Ekim 1994, s. 78
          30- Cur tis&Bar nes, In vi ta ti on to Bi ology, s. 391  82- Char les Dar win, The Ori gin of Spe ci es: A Fac si mi le of the First Edi ti on,
          31- Eld ra Pe arl So lo mon, Int ro duc ti on to Hu man Ana tomy and Physi ology,  Har vard Uni ver sity Press, 1964, s. 189
            s.211-212                            83- Char les Dar win, The Ori gin of Spe ci es: A Fac si mi le of the First Edi ti on,
          32- So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lee, Bi ology, s.977  Har vard Uni ver sity Press, 1964, s. 184
          33- Cur tis&Bar nes, In vi ta ti on to Bi ology, s.393  84- B. G. Ran ga nat han, Ori gins?, Pennsyl va nia: The Ban ner Of Truth Trust,
          34- Cur tis&Bar nes, In vi ta ti on to Bi ology, s.392  1988
          35- Mars hall Ca ven dish, Il lust ra ted Hu man Body, s.116  85- Char les Dar win, The Ori gin of Spe ci es: A Fac si mi le of the First Edi ti on,
          36- So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lee, Bi ology, , s.962  Har vard Uni ver sity Press, 1964, s. 179
          37- Art hur Guy ton-John Hall, Text Bo ok of Me di cal Physi ology Guy ton & Hall,  86- De rek A. Ager, "The Na tu re of the Fos sil Re cord", Pro ce edings of the Bri -
            W.B. Sa un ders Com pany, 1996, s.885  tish Ge olo gi cal As so ci ati on, c. 87, 1976, s. 133
          38- So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lee, Bi ology, s.967  87- Do ug las J. Fu tuy ma, Sci en ce on Tri al, New York: Pant he on Bo oks, 1983.
          39- Prof. Dr. Ah met No yan, Ya şam  da ve He kim lik te Fiz yo lo ji, s.881-882  s. 197
          40- Art hur Guy ton-John Hall, Text Bo ok of Me di cal Physi ology Guy ton & Hall,  88- Solly Zuc ker man, Be yond The Ivory To wer, New York: Top lin ger Pub  li ca ti -
            s.978                                  ons, 1970, s. 75-94; Char les E. Ox nard, "The Pla ce of Aust ra lo pit he ci nes
          41- Prof. Dr. Ah met No yan, Ya şam da ve He kim lik te Fiz yo lo ji, s.879  in Hu man Evo lu ti on: Gro unds for Do ubt", Na tu re, c. 258, s. 389
          42- Bi olo gi cal Sci en ce A Mo le cu lar App ro ach, Sixth Edi ti on, D.C. He ath and  89- J. Ren nie, "Dar win's Cur rent Bull dog: Ernst Mayr", Sci en ti fic Ame ri can,
            Com pany, To ron to, s.412             Ara lık 1992
          43- Wal la ce, San ders, Ferl, Bi ology, The Sci en ce of Li fe, Har per Col lins Pub lis -  90- Alan Wal ker, Sci en ce, vol. 207, 1980, s. 1103; A. J. Kel so, Physi cal Ant ro -
            her Inc., s.755                        po logy, 1st ed., New York: J. B. Li pin cott Co., 1970, s.221; M. D. Le akey,
          44- So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lee, Bi ology, s.994  Ol du vai Gor ge, vol.3, Camb rid ge: Camb rid ge Uni ver sity Press, 1971, s.
          45- Art hur C. Guy ton, M.D., Text Bo ok of Me di cal Physi ology, W.B. Sa un ders  272
            Com pany, 7th Edi ti on,1986, s.613-614   91- Ti me, Ka sım 1996
          46- Prof. Dr. Ah met No yan, Ya şam da ve He kim lik te Fiz yo  lo ji, s.623-627  92- S. J. Go uld, Na tu ral His tory, c. 85, 1976, s.30
          47- Mont go mery, Con way-Spec tor-Chap pel, Bi oc he mistry, Mosby-Ye ar Bo ok,  93- Solly Zuc ker man, Be yond The Ivory To wer, New York: Top lin ger Pub li ca ti -
            Inc., 1996, s. 604                     ons, 1970, s. 19
          48- Art hur Guy ton-John Hall, Text Bo ok of Me di cal Physi ology, Guy ton & Hall,  94- Ric hard Le won tin, "The De mon-Ha un ted World", The New York Re vi ew of
            9th edi ti on, s. 345                  Bo oks, 9 Ocak 1997, s. 28
          49- Chand ra Wick ra ma sing he, Lon don Da ily Exp ress ile bir rö por ta jın dan, 14  95- Mal colm Mug ge rid ge, The End of Chris ten dom, Grand Ra pids: Eerd mans,
            Ağus tos 1981                          1980, s.43
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