Page 63 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 63


             harm. Ultimately, in the face of the sublime disposition of
             the believer, the wrongdoer feels ashamed of his behav-
             iour and yearns to have such a noble character.
                 No doubt, while displaying all these attitudes, believ-
             ers remain rational; they never let others do any harm or
             injustice to themselves or to other believers. Meanwhile,
             with the good attitude they show, they display the beauty
             of the values of the Qur'an, which draws people nearer to
             the morality that pleases Allah.
                 We need always to remember that the evil attitude
             shown by other people is not an excuse for us to deviate
             from our own high moral standards, a lapse with which
             Allah would not be pleased. After all, for one's deeds,
             everyone is himself responsible to his Creator.
             Furthermore, according to the Qur'an, being able to show
             compassion, mercy and goodness when confronted with
             an evil attitude is a sign of a sublime adherence to moral-
             ity. That is because, this praiseworthy attitude of a be-
             liever makes manifest the strength of his loyalty to Allah.
             Indeed, the person in question patiently displays such an
             attitude only to please Allah.
                 In return for nobly displaying patience in order to live
             up to Qur'anic morality, Allah proclaims that there will be
             a twofold reward:

                 They will be given their reward twice over because
                 they have been steadfast and because they ward off
                 the bad with the good and give from what we have
                 provided for them. (Surat al-Qasas: 54)
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