Page 106 - Magnificence Everywhere
P. 106
People have recently invented mechanical cooling systems and, with technolog-
ical advancements, can bring them up to today's modern conditions. Yet, we were
not the first to discover cooling systems. Every warm-blooded creature on Earth al-
ready has the necessary mechanisms in its body for heat control and was created in
possession of this design. We can give the speedy gazelles of Africa as an example
of this. The gazelle has to run away from its enemies in order to survive, because it
has no another defense method. This burst of speed causes a sharp increase in the
body temperature of the gazelle. However, in order to survive, the gazelle needs to
keep its brain cooler than its body.
The gazelle has a unique cooling system in its brain. Gazelles and similar ani-
mals have hundreds of small arteries that divide and pass through a large pool of
blood lying next to their breathing passages. The air they inhale cools this nasal
pool, so the blood passing through the tiny arteries in it is cooled, too. Then the tiny
arteries come together in a single blood vessel that carries blood to the brain. 42
The interesting point here is that this flawless system cannot come into being by
itself, since the non-existence of such a necessary cooling system would spell the
end of the gazelle when it makes its very first run.
As is seen in the example of the gazelles' cooling systems, the design of creatures
has such complexity that it cannot be explained by the "gradual development" claim
of evolutionists. In other words, it is impossible for a creature's bodily structures
and organs to come into being, over time, through small changes. The bodies of liv-
ing things are full of structures, similar to that of the gazelles' cooling system, which
will be of no use whatsoever if even a single part is missing. This proves that crea-
tures have not come into being over time, through chance but, on the contrary, have
been created perfectly by Allah. This is an obvious fact for people of intelligence as
also stated in the Qur'an:
Magnificence Everywhere them if you used your intellect." (Surat ash-Shu'ara: 28)
He said, "The Lord of the East and the West and everything between