Page 14 - Magnificence Everywhere
P. 14
arranged in a definite order, you want to know who has fashioned their design.
Every new thing you see and every piece of information you learn arouses new
excitement in you. You try to learn the reason and origin of everything. You learn
that melons need their seeds in order to reproduce, birds have to have their feathers
for flight, light is emitted from the sun, and oxygen and water are needed for the
survival of all living things. You learn the importance of the existence of the seas
and the oceans, the fact that all sorts of information about plants is encoded in their
seeds, as well as many other fascinating details. Every piece of information you
learn enables you to comprehend this magnificence even more.
In addition, when you become aware that what you've begun to learn consti-
tutes only a tiny portion of the characteristics of the living things which exist on
Earth, that in fact everything works interdependently, that there are creatures you
cannot see and voices you cannot hear, and that magnificent systems in the uni-
verse exist, your astonishment will grow even further.
As you learn these detailed pieces of information one-by-one, your mind will
pose the same questions repeatedly: How have all these magnificent living things
come into existence? How have I myself come into being? Since everything has a
purpose, then why am I here?
When you emerge from the room you've spent so many years in, since you will
discover a varied and magnificent vista of creation upon the Earth, you will ponder
and look for answers to your questions. Every answer to your questions will con-
tain this statement: "Certainly, there is a Being making all these things." As you are
not hobbled by an indolent mind and do not observe your surroundings from be-
hind a curtain of habit, you will surely come to the conclusion that everything has
been created by a Creator. Indeed, what man needs to do is exactly this: look at
things not from habit, but through asking questions…
Just as there is a designer who made the steel bridges we cross every day, there
is a designer who designed our bones whose strength has been compared to steel.
No one can claim that raw iron and coal can be mixed with each other to form steel
by chance, and again that steel can be combined with cement to build bridges in the
same way. Everyone knows that the judgment of a man claiming such things is to
Magnificence Everywhere things on Earth, the sky, the stars and in short, everything, has come into existence
be doubted.
However, in spite of this fact, there are people who dare to claim that all living
by chance. But it is evident to an intelligent person who stops and contemplates
such things that these claims of random emergence are utterly irrational.