Page 62 - Magnificence Everywhere
P. 62
The nudibranch, a type of marine slug species lacking a shell, has a very inter-
esting design and marvelous, bright colors. Their bodies are rather soft. Although
they don't have a shell to protect themselves, and many creatures find their appear-
ance attractive, only a few feed on nudibranches. This is because their striking col-
ors warn predators that they are very poisonous.
One striking characteristic of this sea slug is that it has "stinging cells." By means
of these "stinging cells," nudibranches easily protect themselves against their ene-
mies. What is more interesting is that they don't produce these cells themselves.
Nudibranches feed on creatures called hyroids that contain stinging cells. But they
can eat these creatures' tentacles without triggering their stinging cells thanks to a
special mucus in their digestive system. They store these weapons in frilly projec-
tions of their bodies. When disturbed the cells fire, thus stinging potential preda-
tors. 16
Without a doubt, it is not possible for a nudibranch to know that hyroids are poi-
sonous but will not harm them and will, on the contrary, provide them with protec-
tion against their enemies. It is also not possible for it to learn such a thing by
experiencing it. How then did nudibranches discover this fascinating protective
At this point, a truth that reveals itself openly in the universe appears once again
before us. The One Who inspired nudibranches to attract attention both with their
pattern and color diversity, Who also supplied them with their methods to obtain
poison, and created a system in their bodies by which to render the poison of hy-
roids ineffective, is Allah, the Lord of the entire universe. Allah creates all creatures
with very different characteristics and in various colors. What befalls man who sees
the infinite power of Allah in such examples is to glorify Allah and to practice good
Magnificence Everywhere And mankind and beasts and livestock are likewise of varying colors.
morals for the pleasure of Allah only. Allah informs us in His verses as follows:
Only those of His servants with knowledge have fear of Allah. Allah is
Almighty, Ever-Forgiving. (Surah Fatir: 28)