Page 41 - The World of Animals
P. 41
feet)– the blood pressure
on the head bending
down from such a height
becomes very great. If a
human being were
exposed to such high
blood pressure, his
brain would
immediately burst.
This being the case,
how do giraffes
drink water without
having a cerebral
haemorrhage? That is because,
Allah, the Creator of space, the sky, the
earth and all creatures, has placed a very special mechanism inside a
giraffe's head. There are little valves inside the veins of a giraffe's
head. Once the height of a giraffe's head changes, these valves start
to operate and prevent high blood pressure in the head.
Well, have you ever thought about why giraffes are speckled?
This aesthetic appearance, in harmony with the grasslands, makes
it hard for their enemies to distinguish the giraffes. Despite their
giant bodies, they can thus hide from the king of the savannah,
that is the lion, their foremost enemy.
In moments of danger, giraffes run at speeds of 55 to 60
kilometres (34 to 37 miles) per hour. When they begin to run, they
move their heads back and forth like a pump, and curl their tails.