Page 48 - The World of Animals
P. 48
structure to appear. At six years of age, their antlers
become fully-developed. After this age, they begin
gradually to deteriorate. The length, shape and
number of branches differ from one deer to another.
You have probably asked yourself, "Why do deer
have antlers?" Antlers are an important weapon for deer.
With antlers they can protect themselves from enemies. Sometimes, a
predator only has to see the antlers to leave the deer alone.
A male red deer draws a border around its territory by smearing a
substance secreted from his scent gland. In this territory, he sets up a herd
consisting of female deer (doe). He protects his herd with his antlers from
his enemies. Upon the entry of an alien into his territory, he pushes him
46 out of it either by his roars or by attempting to gore him with the antlers.
Allah has created these animals with antlers on their heads, thereby
making it possible for them to protect themselves and their herds. If
Allah had not given them antlers, these animals would have remained
defenceless and helpless against their enemies. A male deer could not
protect female deer and thus his herd couldn't be constituted. They
would not have a weapon against wild animals.
Possibly, few people would ever think, "I wish some
animals had a hard, bony substance having a branch-like
structure on their heads, so that they
could protect themselves". Even if it
were the case, these people would fail
to make this wish come true. Only
Allah, Who has created all creatures