Page 55 - The World of Animals
P. 55

liver and expelled from the body. By the will of Allah, this food,

               which is extremely poisonous for other animals, does not harm
               koalas. Therefore, koalas can eat about a kilogram (2.204 pounds)

               of poisonous leaves everyday without trouble. Koalas even get their
               water from these leaves. At certain times of the year, two thirds of
               the eucalyptus leaf consists of water. Therefore, only feeding on

               eucalyptus leaves, a koala can survive for months without drinking
               water. The tops of eucalyptus trees are vulnerable to wind. For this
               reason, koalas have very thick fur.

                 This harmony between a poisonous plant and an animal shows
               us that koalas and eucalyptus tree have been created by the same
               Creator. This Creator, Who creates everything perfectly, is surely

               Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.                                          53
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