Page 69 - The World of Animals
P. 69
those pregnant, hibernate for a long period. Allah, "ar-Razzaq, the
One Who continuously provides sustenance to all living beings," has
made food available for the new-born cub. The milk of polar bears
contains a high amount of fat. This fatty milk is what the cubs need
most. They grow very fast, thanks to this fatty milk, and get ready to
go out of their caves in the spring.
Have you heard that the polar bear is a very good swimmer and
diver? That is true! The polar bear is a skilled swimmer and diver.
While swimming, it uses its forelegs. That it can use its legs as paddles
is something by which Allah has made life easy for him. Apart from
this, in water, it can close its nostrils and keep its eyes open, and its
webbed feet, similar to those of ducks, make it a good swimmer.