Page 43 - Islam: The Religion of Ease
P. 43
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
seems like a hard situation. But, in Surat an-Nisa' Allah informs
us that He made the situations of the believers who had to emi-
grate easier and that He blessed them:
Those who migrate for the cause of Allah will find many
places of refuge in the land and ample sustenance. If any-
one leaves his home, as a refugee for Allah's and His
Messenger's sake, and he is overtaken by death, it is
Allah Who will reward him. Allah is Ever-Forgiving and
Most Merciful. (Surat an-Nisa': 100)
Consequently, Allah proved His promise to the believers liv-
ing in our Prophet's (saas) time. The Companions of the Prophet
(saas), who didn't give importance to worldly goods and who
selflessly undertook any hardships in the name of Allah, were
given means of sustenance and sheltered in the best possible
way by Allah. Allah made their work much easier compared to
other people's work. The ease and mercy the companions re-
ceived are told in the Qur'an:
When you were few and oppressed in the land, and afraid
of your enemies' onslaught, He gave you refuge and sup-
ported you with His help and bestowed great benefits
upon you, so that hopefully you would be thankful.
(Surat al-Anfal: 26)
Other experiences in the lives of the other prophets are clear
example of making life easy for the believers.
For example, this alleviation of hardship is obvious in many
incidents in the life of the Prophet Joseph (as). After being
thrown into a well by his brothers, the Prophet Joseph (as) was
found by a caravan. The people who found Joseph (as) sold him
to a vizier, (minister), as a slave. Shortly afterwards, Joseph (as)
was accused of wrongdoing and thrown into jail, even though he