Page 54 - Islam: The Religion of Ease
P. 54
and denial are extremely lengthy, difficult, and dangerous. That is
to say, unbelief and the association of partners with Allah are not
tenable in this straight, wise universe, in which everything is
driven down the easiest and shortest path, and belief and the affir-
mation of Divine unity are as necessary and essential in the uni-
verse as the sun. Also, the most comfortable, beneficial, and the
shortest and safest way in human morality and conduct is the way
of the straight path and moderation." (Bediuzzaman Said Nursi,
The Risale-i Nur Collection, The Rays Collection, 15 Ray)
In another work, Bediuzaman thus expresses this issue:
"Walking along the way of unbelief is like walking on ice or
under earth and essentially repulsive, and therefore very difficult
for him who inclines to this way knowingly to walk along it.
However, one with a careless, imitative view cannot discern this
difficulty. As for the way of belief, going along it is like travelling
in water or air or light, and essentially attractive, and therefore
very easy for him who is inclined to follow it." (Bediuzzaman
Said Nursi, Epitomes of Light, 2nd Chapter, p. 71)
A person may experience certain pleasures in a life void of
belief. But these are short-lived and they definitely bring sor-
rows and suffering with them. Even if he lives in the midst of
riches, abundance, beauty, and pleasure, if he doesn't have any
faith he will experience the sorrow of knowing that he will one
day lose them. All the things that he possesses will eventually be
lost either as a consequence of the situations he faces in this
world or when one day he faces the inevitable end: death. So it is
not possible to experience real peace and pleasure where there is
no belief in the Hereafter and no submission to Allah.
Bediuzzaman thus expresses what kind of an end an individual
without faith or good morals will face: