Page 37 - The Miracles of Smell and Taste
P. 37


                                                   To describe it in simplified
                                               terms, after a specific—but quite
                                                brief—length of time, the enzymes
                                                in question alter the structures of

                                               the scent particles and convert them
                                              to a state where they no longer stim-
                                            ulate the receptors. Later, these neutral-
                                          ized molecules are sent to the stomach
                                          together with the mucus that traps them,
                                           and are thus eliminated. Note that it is
                                              not expert biochemical engineers
                                                and scientists who accomplish this,
                                                 but enzymes with no mind or con-
                                                 sciousness. In addition, the en-
                                                zymes in the mucus achieve this
                                                by constantly making new “deci-
                                                sions.” Naturally, enzymes cannot
                                               manage such complicated tasks all

                                               by themselves. All this takes place
                                               through the limitless knowledge
                                                and magnificent creation of God.
                                                      In conclusion, there is an as-
                                                  tonishing activity in the depths
                                                  of the mucus layer that manages
                                                 the scent-perceiving region in
                                                your nose. Countless processes, of
                                              which you are unaware and cannot
                                            see with the naked eye, proceed with
                                         perfect planning and timing.

                                         Harun Yahya
                                        (Adnan Oktar)
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