Page 28 - The Importance of the Ahl Al-Sunnah
P. 28

         Another scientific discovery showing that there was no
         process of evolution, as the Darwinists claim, is the fos-
         silized shrimp illustrated here. Since shrimp first came in-
         to existence, they have always displayed all the same or-
         gans and characteristics as they have today and have un-
         dergone no changes in all that time. This shrimp fossil
         shows plainly that evolution is an imaginary scenario.

                                                   Period: Mesozoic era,
                                                   Jurassic period
                                                   Age: 150 million
                                                   Location: Solnhofen
                                                   Limestone, Germany

                                        One of the fossils that demon-
                                        strate the clear fact of Creation is
                                        shown here: the nearly 150-mil-
                                        lion-year-old remains of a
                                        shrimp, which is no different from
                                        its present-day counterparts.
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