Page 65 - The Importance of the Ahl Al-Sunnah
P. 65
what is in your heart, and say that there are such and such
opinions on this subject and the proof is as follows. Thus,
they will listen to you and understand the degree of your
Give knowledge to all who approach you and let each one
learn something from you. Give them important things,
not trivial ones. Be like a friend to them, even make witty
remarks by way of jokes, because friendship and sincerity
ensure the continuation of knowledge.
Treat them gently and be tolerant. Show no boredom or
weariness to anyone. Comport yourself as like one of
Trust no one’s friendship until it has been proven. Do not
be friends with anyone low or vulgar. Be virtuous, gener-
ous, and deep of heart. Your clothes should be clean and
new. Have a good horse to ride. Use pleasant scents. Be
generous when you give people food to eat and satisfy
everyone. Whenever you hear of any strife or corruption,
hasten to resolve it. Visit those who visit you and those
who do not. Always do good, whether others wish you
good or ill. Forgive and turn a blind eye to some things.
Abandon those things that distress you and try to do what
is right. Visit those of your companions who fall ill, and
ask after those you do not see. Take an interest in those
who do not come to you.” (From Abu Hanifah’s bequest
to his student Abu Yusuf.)
“Know that deeds go along with knowledge, just as the
limbs move thanks to the vision of the eyes. A few good
deeds with knowledge are better than much labor with
ignorance. This resembles the following proverb: even if a
man has little food with him, he will be saved if he knows