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           1- Harry J. Ful ler, The Plant World, s.85-86  42- Gra ins de Vie, s.68
           2- www.bri tan ni tic le/1/0,5716,120821  43- Mu sa Özet, Os man Ar pa cı, Bi yo lo ji 2, Sü rat Ya yın la rı, s.138-
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           3- Mal colm Wil kins, Plant watc hing, New York, Fact on Fi le Pub -  44- Ad van ced Plant Physi ology, Mal colm B. Wil kins, Long -
             li ca ti ons, 1988, s.48              man Sci en ti fic & Tech ni cal, Eng land, 1987, s.462
           4- Plant watc hing, s.48              45- Gra ins de Vie, s.68
           5- Wilf red W. Rob bins, T. El li ot We ier, C. Ralph Stoc king, Bo -  46- Ra ven, Evert, Cur tis, Bi ology of Plants, World Pub lis hers,
             tany, An Int ro duc ti on to Plant Sci en ce, s.268)  New York, 1976, s.346
           6-http://www.he la tes/bo ok.asp?Pa geTy -  47- So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lie, Bi ology, Sa un ders Col le ge
             pe=Bo ok&ID=343                       Pub lis hing, s.680
           7-http://www.he la tes/bo ok.asp?Pa geTy -  48- Mal colm Wil kins, Plant watc hing, New York, Facts on Fi le
             pe=Bo ok&ID=343                       Pub li ca ti ons, 1988, s. 46-47
           8-http://www.he la tes/bo ok.asp?Pa geTy -  49- John King, Re ac hing for The Sun, 1997, Camb rid ge Uni ver -
             pe=Bo ok&ID=343                       sity Press, Camb rid ge, s.117
           9- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le ux  50- Plant watc hing, s.47
             Des Gra ines, s.31                  51- Mu sa Özet, Os man Ar pa cı, Ali Us lu, Bi yo lo ji 3, Sü rat Ya yın -
           10- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  la rı, s.46
             ux Des Gra ines, s.32-33)           52-So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lie, Bi ology, Sa un ders Col le ge
           11- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  Pub lis hing, s.766-768
             ux Des Gra ines, s.24               53- Mu sa Özet, Os man Ar pa cı, Ali Us lu, Bi yo lo ji 3, Sü rat Ya yın -
           12- Plant watc hing, s.44               la rı, s. 48
           13- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  54- Mal colm Wil kins, Plant watc hing, New York, Facts on Fi le
             ux Des Gra ines, s.17                 Pub li ca ti ons, 1988, 65-66
           14- Mark Rid ley, Evo lu ti on, Ox ford Uni ver sity Press, 1997,  55- Plant watc hing, s.56
             s.293                               56- He le na Cur tis, N. Sue Bar nes, In vi ta ti on to Bi ology, Worth
           15- Mark Rid ley, Evo lu ti on, Ox ford Uni ver sity Press, 1997,  Pub lis hers, Inc. s.356-357
             s.293                               57- Ra ven, Evert, Cur tis, Bi ology of Plants, World Pub lis hers,
           16- Harry J. Ful ler, The Plant World, s.48-51  New York, 1976, s.326
           17- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  58- Se ed Bi ology, s.66
             ux Des Gra ines, s.86               59. Sidney Fox, Klaus Dose, Molecular Evolution and The Origin
           18- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  of Life, New York: Marcel Dekker, 1977, s. 2.
             ux Des Gra ines, s.60               60. Alexander I. Oparin, Origin of Life, (1936) New York, Dover
           19- Da vid At ten bo ro ugh, The Pri va te Li fe of Plants, Prin ce ton  Publications, 1953 (Reprint), s. 196.
             Univ.  Press, Prin ce ton, New Jer sey, s.15  61. "New Evidence on Evolution of Early Atmosphere and
           20- Da vid At ten bo ro ugh, The Pri va te Li fe of Plants, Prin ce ton  Life", Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, c. 63, Kasım
             Univ.  Press, Prin ce ton, New Jer sey, s.16  1982, s. 1328-1330.
           21- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  62. Stanley Miller, Molecular Evolution of Life: Current Status of
             ux Des Gra ines, s.62
           22- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  the Prebiotic Synthesis of Small Molecules, 1986, s. 7.
                                                 63. Jeffrey Bada, Earth, Şubat 1998, s. 40.
             ux Des Gra ines, s.61
           23- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  64. Leslie E. Orgel,  The Origin of Life on Earth, Scientific
                                                 American, c. 271, Ekim 1994, s. 78.
             ux Des Gra ines, s.61-62
           24- www.bri tan ni tic le/9/0,5716,68289  65. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First
             +1+66568,00.html                    Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, s. 189.
           25- Alf red Stef fe rud, The Won ders of Se eds, s.68-69  66. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First
           26- Da vid At ten bo ro ugh, The Pri va te Li fe of Plants, Prin ce ton  Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, s. 184.
             Univ. Press, Prin ce ton, New Jer sey, s.19  67. B. G. Ranganathan, Origins?, Pennsylvania: The Banner Of
           27- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  Truth Trust, 1988.
                                                 68. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First
             ux Des Gra ines, s.54-55
           28- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, s. 179.
             ux Des Gra ines, s.56               69. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, s. 172, 280.
           29- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  70. Derek A. Ager, "The Nature of the Fossil Record", Proceedings
             ux Des Gra ines, s.56               of the British Geological Association, c. 87, 1976, s. 133.
           30- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  71. Douglas J. Futuyma, Science on Trial, New York: Pantheon
             ux Des Gra ines, s.57               Books, 1983. s. 197.
           31- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  72. Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York:
             ux Des Gra ines, s.57               Toplinger Publications, 1970, ss. 73-94; Charles E. Oxnard, "The
           32- Fran ço ise Brenck mann Gra ins de Vie, Le Mon de Mer ve il le -  Place of Australopithecines in Human Evolution: Grounds for
             ux Des Gra ines, s.57               Doubt", Nature, c. 258, s. 389.
           33- So lo mon, Berg, Mar tin, Vil lie, Bi ology, Sa un ders Col le ge  74. J. Rennie, "Darwin's Current Bulldog: Ernst Mayr", Scientific
             Pub lis hing, s. 751                American, Aralık 1992
           34- Gra ins de Vie, s.36-37           75. Alan Walker, Science, c. 207, 1980, s. 1103; A. J. Kelso,
           35- Da vid At ten bo ro ugh, The Pri va te Li fe of Plants, Prin ce ton  Physical Antropology, 1. baskı, New York: J. B. Lipincott Co.,
             Uni ver sity Press, Prin ce ton, New Jer sey, s.24  1970, s. 221; M. D. Leakey, Olduvai Gorge, c. 3, Cambridge:
           36- Gra ins de Vie, s.38-39           Cambridge University Press, 1971, s. 272.
           37- Gra ins de Vie, s.41              76. Time, Kasım 1996.
           38-T.T. Koz lows ki, Se ed Bi ology, Aca de mic Press, New York  77. S. J. Gould, Natural History, c. 85, 1976, s. 30.
             and Lon don, 1972, s.194            78. Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York:
           39- Gra ins de Vie, s.53              Toplinger Publications, 1970, s. 19.
           40- Da vid At ten bo ro ugh, The Pri va te Li fe of Plants, Prin ce ton  79. Richard Lewontin, "The Demon-Haunted World", The New
             Uni ver sity Press, Prin ce ton, New Jer sey, s.24  York Review of Books, 9 Ocak, 1997, s. 28.
           41- Da vid At ten bo ro ugh, The Pri va te Li fe of Plants, Prin ce ton  80. Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of Christendom, Grand
             Uni ver sity Press, Prin ce ton, New Jer sey, s. 35  Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980, s. 43.
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