Page 74 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 74

Harun Yahya

              castle after thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of attempts.
              Where human beings with their intelligent awareness could not suc-
              ceed, sightless termites can complete the construction of nests hun-
              dreds of times larger than themselves.

                     This fact cannot be avoided; termites do not behave by their
              own will, knowledge or expertise. They are clearly inspired. And it is
              Almighty God Who inspires them.

                    Features of the Termite Architects
                   The architects of termite colonies are the white, wingless workers.

              Though blind, they are very sensitive to light. They immediately no-
              tice any holes in the nest through which light can enter and are experts
              in stopping them up. They also show the same expertise in obtaining
              the materials needed to construct their nests.
                   First they make secretions and mix this fluid with grains of sand,

              earth and pieces of wood; then they use their mouths and legs to shape
              this material into small balls. Then they fix each of these balls into their

                                                               Termites use grains of
                                                               sand, earth and pie-
                                                               ces of wood to con-
                                                               struct their nests.
                                                               They mix these mate-
                                                               rials with their own
                                                               secretions to produce
                                                               a strong mortar. Some
                                                               termite species use
                                                               clay to build their
                                                               nests. Obviously, ter-
                                                               mites cannot manage
                                                               these things with their
                                                               own intelligence; their
                                                               activities are inspired
                                                               in them by God.
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