Page 170 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 170

In the Name of Allah,
                              The All-Merciful and Most Merciful

                                                   Allah is the Protector
                                             of the believers. He brings them
                                         out of the darkness into the light. But

                                       the unbelievers have false deities as pro-
                                     tectors. They take them from the light into
                                   the darkness. Those are the Companions of
                                  the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, forever.
                                (Surat al-Baqara, 257)
                                He calls down blessing on you, as do His angels,
                                to bring you out of the darkness into the light. He
                                is Most Merciful to the believers. Their greeting

                                on the Day they meet Him will be “Peace,” and
                                He has prepared a generous reward for them. O
                                Prophet! We have sent you as a witness, a bringer
                                of good news and a warner, a caller to Allah by
                                His permission, and a light-giving lamp. Give
                                good news to the believers that they will receive
                                immense favor from Allah. Do not obey the un-
                                believers and hypocrites, and disregard their
                                abuse of you. Put your trust in Allah. Allah suf-
                                fices as a Protector. (Surat al-Ahzab, 43-48)
                                It is a great blessing that Allah has created hu-

                           man life with such reversals. Indeed, this makes it
                           much easier to grasp the value of belief and good
                           moral character.

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