Page 183 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 183
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
His Messenger, and the abode of the Hereafter, Allah
has prepared an immense reward for those among you
who do good.” (Surat al-Ahzab, 29)
Those who recite the Book of Allah, pray, and give of
what We have provided for them, secretly and openly,
hope for a transaction that will not prove profitless.
[Believers hope] that He will pay them their wages in
full and give them more from His unbounded favor. He
is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Thankful. (Surah Fatir, 29-30)
But those of you who obey Allah and His Messenger and
act rightly will be given their reward twice over; and We
have prepared generous provision for them. (Surat al-
Ahzab, 31)
Those who produce a good action will receive ten like it.
But those who produce a bad action will only be repaid
with its equivalent; they will not be wronged. (Surat al-
An’am, 160)
Men and women who are Muslims, men and women
who are believers, men and women who are obedient,
men and women who are truthful, men and women who
are steadfast, men and women who are humble, men and
women who give charity, men and women who fast,
men and women who guard their chastity, men and
women who remember Allah much: Allah has prepared
forgiveness for them and an immense reward. (Surat al-
Ahzab, 35)
We see in the above verses that Allah promises a great
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