Page 204 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 204
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful
balance that meets all living things’ needs. Thinking
about this helps people understand His generosity and
how much they need Him, as their only friend and ad-
vocate, in this world. Those who do not think about
these subtle things can easily fall into error and be un-
aware of His manifestation as the All-Merciful. Every
detail of universe’s formation is filled with clear proofs
of His endless mercy toward humanity and all living
things. Some of these proofs are as follows:
The universe came into being due to the Big
Bang. In the beginning, a single point with no volume
and infinite density contained all matter. The universe
was formed when this point of zero volume exploded.
Actually, zero volume is a theoretical expression devised
by scientists, for the concept of nothing is beyond hu-
man conception. The universe came out of nothing or,
more exactly, it was Created. Since the Big Bang was an
explosion, it is thought that matter spread randomly
through empty space. However, it somehow gradually
took on shape and order. The first stage of this order
was the explosion’s velocity.
The resulting matter began to expand outward
with incredible speed. But during this first stage, there
was a gravitational force strong enough to bring the en-
tire universe together at one point. Therefore, during
this first moment there were two opposite forces: the
power of the explosion and a gravitational force that re-
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