Page 249 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 249
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
their lives. It must not be forgotten that everything we will
sum up in the following paragraphs happens by the endless
power and might of our Lord, the only Ruler of the universe.
No human being can ever have any influence over the func-
tioning of any of these things.
The 100 trillion cells act as if they knew each other.
They carry out their special functions without any negligence
or laxity. In this perfect coordination, hormones (messenger
cells) relay commands that cause physical growth, reproduc-
tion, the body’s inner balance, the coordination of the ner-
vous system, and many other functions to occur. Allah creat-
ed these incomparable systems and directs it through cells
and hormones without your knowledge and fully out of your
power to control.
For example, you have nothing to say about how this
system functions: you cannot make your height longer, or
command your cells to divide, multiply, and make you taller,
for all of these have been determined by Allah and cannot be
altered. This control is a grace from Allah, for exercising such
continual control is beyond any person’s ability. A person
could never control his own body even if he had to. Or if a hu-
man being had such control, human life could never possibly
survive. But, in his infinite kindness, Allah creates every cell
in the human body and in everything in the world perfectly
at the same moment and sustains them all under his control.
Thus, we should understand that Allah’s mercy encompasses
everyone and everything and acknowledge His power.
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