Page 42 - The Struggle of the Messengers
P. 42
40 The Struggle of the Messengers
them, and they will know that Allah is the Clear Truth. (Surat
an-Nur, 23-25)
In another verse it is revealed what will happen to those who
accuse believing men and women of committing sins, which they
did not:
And those who abuse believing men and women when they
have not merited it, [will] bear the weight of slander and clear
wrongdoing. (Surat al-Ahzab, 58)
Now we will examine the accusations made against the
Messengers, as well as the methods used to sully their characters.
The accusation that messengers seek their own
The most frequent accusation made by the unbelievers' leaders
is the totally immoral lie that the Messenger does not believe in
what he proclaims, but rather is only seeking his own advantage
and personal gain. Furthermore, they claim that the Messenger's
"thirst for power" underlies his demand to be obeyed. The fact is,
however, that Messengers are immaculate people who charge
people nothing, who have no worldly expectations, who look for
Allah's approval alone and who live in the hope of His mercy,
good pleasure and paradise. Messengers expect nothing in
worldly terms, although Allah bestows the world's finest
blessings on these sincere and righteous servants of His. For
example, Pharaoh and his circle claimed that the Prophet Moses
(as) was not interested in calling people to religion; all he wanted
was to "gain greatness in the land":
They said: "Have you come to us to turn us from what we found