Page 48 - The Struggle of the Messengers
P. 48

46                     The Struggle of the Messengers

             happened, their own false systems, as well as their power and
             authority, would crumble and collapse.
               The accusations mentioned above are designed to show, at
             least in their own eyes, that the Messenger's message is not true.

             They seek to camouflage the fact that a Messenger is Allah's
             Messenger and to convince their people that what he says is his
             own invention. Otherwise, almost no one would openly show
             hostility toward a Messenger out of fear of opposing Allah's
               In the Qur'an this accusation is revealed as follows:
               The ruling circle of those of his [Hud's] unbelieving people
               said: "We consider you a fool and think you are a liar." (Surat

               al-A'raf, 66)
               The ruling circle of those of his [Noah's] unbelieving people
               said: "We see you as no more than a human being like
               ourselves. We do not see anyone but the lowest of us following
               you, unthinkingly. We do not see you as superior to us. On the
               contrary, we consider you to be liars." (Surah Hud, 27)
               The Thamud people denied the warnings. They said: "Are we
               to follow a human being, one of us? Then we would truly be
               misguided, quite insane! Has the Reminder been given to him

               from among all of us? No indeed! He is an impudent liar."
               (Surat al-Qamar, 23-25)
               There are other accusations as well, such as ridiculing and
             belittling the Messengers:  "We sent messengers before you
             among the disparate groups of previous peoples. No messenger
             came to them without their mocking him" (Surat al-Hijr, 10-11).
             They also ignore their own vices and unpleasant life styles and
             accuse the immaculate Messengers and their followers of "heresy"
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