Page 54 - The Struggle of the Messengers
P. 54
52 The Struggle of the Messengers
forces came against you and We sent a wind and other forces
that you could not see against them. Allah sees what you do.
When they came at you from above and below, when your eyes
rolled, your hearts rose to your throats, and you thought
unworthy thoughts about Allah, at that point the believers
were tested and severely shaken. (Surat al-Ahzab, 9-11)
In every period of history, unbelievers have always tried, in
their own eyes, to intimidate believers. They always direct the
brunt of their attacks against the Messengers. But because
believers know that all power belongs to Allah, they are not
intimidated or discouraged.
When faced with these moments of difficulty, believers realize
that Allah and His Messengers have told them of these things
beforehand, and so they do not lose their dignity of their trust; on
the contrary, their trust and determination increase. In the Qur'an,
Allah reveals the believers' determination when they confronted
the Confederates:
When the believers saw the Confederates, they said: "This is
what Allah and His messenger promised us. Allah and His
messenger told us the truth." It only increased them in faith
and submission. (Surat al-Ahzab, 22)
Attempts to Martyr Messengers
The unbelievers' cruelest assault against these individuals of
the best and finest morality known to humanity is attempted
martyrdom. Almost every Messenger has been faced with such an
attempt. Sometimes these plots were successful; sometimes they
were not. These unbelievers thought that martyring the
Messengers would destroy Allah's religion and cause the