Page 47 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 47


                        USING HEAT TO DESTROY THE ENEMY

          T    he Japanese giant hornets are lit-  grade (117 F). The honeybees are able
               erally a nightmare for the intro-
                                                to withstand this heat, but it spells
           Tduced European honeybees. A
           colony of 30,000 European honeybees  death for hornets.
           can be killed in roughly three hours by
           a group of some 30 hornets, which then
           occupy the hive. Local honeybees, on  “Unusual thermal defence by a honey-
           the other hand, have been created with  bee against mass attack by hornets,”
           a perfect defense mechanism.            Nature, Vol. 377, 28 September 1995,
                                                                        pp. 334-336.
           When a hornet discovers a new colony,
           it secretes a special marking pheromone
           to inform the others of the fact. Since
           that pheromone is also detected by the
           Japanese honeybees, they all gather at
           the entrance of the hive to defend it.
           When a hornet approaches, some 500
           bees take to the air, surround it in a
           tight ball and generate muscle heat.
           In an infrared photograph taken of such
           an attack, the temperature in the white
           regions rises as high as 47 degrees centi-

                                                                      The Japanese honeybees
                                                                      kill the attacking hornets
                                                                      by generating high tem-
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