Page 92 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 92

90                  THE MIRACLE OF THE HONEYBEE

              distance of the food source. In order to describe a distance of 250 meters
              (820 feet), for instance, the bee will shake its abdomen 5 times in 30 sec-
              onds. It has been observed that by means of these dances, bees are able to
              inform one another of food sources at distances of up to 9 to 10 kilometers
              (5 to 6 miles).
                 For bees, another essential piece of information is the quality of the
              food at the source. This they obtain thanks to the scent that has settled on
              the bee performing the dance.
                 In the light of the information thus communicated, it is an easy matter
              for the other bees to find the food source. The number of bees that gather
              at the source is directly proportionate to the number of bees performing
              the dance. If a single bee performs it, the whole hive does not go into ac-

                                                  No two figure-eight dances are the
                                                  same. To the side can be seen the di-
                                                  rection of the great many dances
                                                  performed when the food source is
                                                  80 degrees to the left of the Sun.
                                                  The triangles formed by the bees as
                                                  they dance show the direction of the
                                                  clockwise dances, and the circles,
                                                  that of the counter-clockwise

                                                                   Forager bees need not fly in
                                                                        a direct straight line
                                                                            to a food
                                                                             source in
                        Hive                   Route taken by                order to be
                                              subsequent bees                able to tell its
                                                                            location. In the
                                                                     shown at the side, Karl
                                                                von Frisch had bees fly around a
                                                                building between them and the
                                                                food source. Yet the bees still
                                     Interrupted lines          managed to describe the loca-
                                      indicating the
                                       direct route             tion on a straight line, shown in
                                                    Food source  the diagram with interrupted
                              Route taken by the                lines, and the other bees fol-
                                                                lowed a straight line to find it.
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