Page 60 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 60

Fossil Discovery Threatens
                                                     Theory of Birds' Evolution:  A
                                                     news item based on a news
                                                     item that appeared in  New
                                                     York Times on June 23, 2000
                                                     headlined "Fossil Discovery
                                                     Threatens Theory of

            A Milestone in the History of the Palaeontology
            The admission by evolutionists themselves that Archaeopteryx is not an
          "intermediate transitional form" to serve as evidence for evolution is an impor-
          tant milestone in the history of palaeontology. This is because for about 150
          years, Archaeopteryx has continued to be the most prominent among the very
          few so-called "intermediate transitional forms" evolutionists could advance.
          However, this door of escape is also closed now, and the world of palaeontol-
          ogy has had to face the plain truth that  there is not even a single fossil which
          can provide evidence for evolution.
            The outcomes are evident. The New York Timesalso accepted that fact and
          ran the headline "Fossil Discovery Threatens Theory of Birds' Evolution." That
          is true. Indeed, the ancestor of birds was a bird. The ancestor of fish was a fish,
          the ancestor of horses was a horse, the ancestor of kangaroos was a kangaroo
          and the ancestor of man was a man. In other words, all different classes of liv -
          ing beings emerged in the perfect and specific forms they have today. In other
          words, they are created by God.
            The conservative resistance evolutionists show towards this evident fact has
          now lost its last cornerstone.
                                                      THE SECRETS OF DNA
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