Page 17 - Perfected Faith
P. 17
They love Allah more than anyone and anything else
"… they said, 'Allah is enough for us and the Best of
Guardians.'" (Surah Al 'Imran, 173)
The love of those who have perfected faith is as strong as the fear
they have for Him. They know that Allah is the One Who has created
them out of nothing and bestowed upon them countless blessings.
They are also aware that He watches and protects them at every mo-
ment. They believe that all living things have come into existence
solely by His permission, and that one day they will perish at His will.
They know that He is the only Being Who will exist for all eternity.
Having grasped this fact, they direct all their love to Allah, their
Creator and Owner in accordance with the counsel of Allah's
Messenger (saas), "Love Allah because He nourishes and sustains you…"
(Tirmidhi). They love Allah more than anyone or anything else they
see, know or comprehend. They are aware that there is no friend and
helper better than Allah, "... the Best of Masters, and the Best of
Helpers!" (Surat al-Anfal, 40) In a prayer of the Prophet Ibrahim (as),
who was a devoted believer, this awareness is abundantly clear:
It is He Who created me and guides me; He Who gives me food
and gives me drink; and when I am ill, it is He Who heals me;
He Who will cause my death, then give me life; He Who I sin-
cerely hope will forgive my mistakes on the Day of Reckoning.
My Lord, bestow upon me right judgement and unite me with
the righteous. (Surat ash-Shu'ara', 78-83)
As the verses state, the Prophet Ibrahim (as) is well aware that it is
Allah Who gives him life, governs every event on earth, gives him
food, causes illness and creates the means of recovery and that He is
the only Ruler of the earth. So, he is attached to Him with love. This is
the type of love felt for Allah that people of perfected faith take as an