Page 62 - Devoted to Allah
P. 62
- They do not feel grateful to Allah or are not content
with their blessings. With such a disposition, they always
want to possess more. This insatiable desire becomes a
constant source of unease.
- Unable to accept their feebleness and weaknesses,
they do not ask for help from Allah. They assume they
will get rid of their weaknesses if they turn away from
Allah haughtily and without asking Him for help.
However, this is not the way to get rid of their weak-
nesses. At this time, too, they turn to others and pin their
hopes on them. Yet those they turn to are also weak indi-
viduals who only think of their own benefit. Moreover,
they are far from being merciful and compassionate. This
being the case, they often feel “depressed,” and lose their
spirit through a failure to satisfy their expectations.
- They lack forgiveness and understanding. For this rea-
son, even a minor disagreement among them is likely to de-
velop into a clash or conflict. Most of the time, each party
makes it a matter of pride to refuse to accept being the one
in the wrong. For this reason, they have great fights.
- They do not believe that they live in a world under
Allah’s protection and control, but rather in a ruthless jun-
gle where they have to “defeat” others to survive.
According to their misguided ideas, they assume they
have to develop a tough, aggressive and egoistical charac-
ter to be able to survive in this “jungle.” Indeed, their atti-
tude matches what they encounter. They are either, as the
society of ignorance calls it, swallowed up, as in the ex-
ample of the “small fish,” or they grow into a “big and
cruel” fish and swallow others.