Page 119 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 119
Those Who See The Real Nature Of Matter Lose Their
Some people who become aware of this plain truth get upset. When they
understand that they merely deal with the copies in their brains of their
factories, houses, cars, property, children, spouses, relatives, and social
position, their helplessness and powerlessness lies open before God. They
understand that both they themselves and all that they own, even the whole
universe is an illusion and that they themselves are nothing. All that is left is
the spirit they call "I". Because it was God Who gave them this spirit, they
certainly believe in God and submit to Him, even though they may not have
believed before.
When a person grasps these facts, a feeling of humility and dependence
When a person who is proud of his fame and the
interest people take in him learns that those who
pursue him and take an interest in him are
actually impressions in his brain, he loses all his
satisfaction. He sees that his pride has no
Why Is The Truth About Matter Such An Important Subject? 117