Page 159 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 159
there and its gates are opened its custodians will say to them, "Did
messengers from yourselves not come to you, reciting your Lord's signs
to you and warning you of the meeting on this Day of yours?" They will
say, "Indeed they did, but the decree of punishment is justly carried out
against the unbelievers." They will be told, "Enter the gates of Hell and
stay there timelessly, for ever. How evil is the abode of the arrogant!"
And those who fear [and respect] their Lord will be driven to the
Garden in companies and when they arrive there, finding its gates
open, its custodians will say to them, "Peace be upon you! You have
done well so enter it timelessly, for ever." (Surat az-Zumar: 68-73)
Some further examples of this are the following:
And every soul came, along with a driver and a witness. (Surah Qaf: 21)
And the heaven is cloven asunder, so that on that day it is frail. (Surat
al-Haqqa: 16)
And because they were patient and constant, He rewarded them with a
garden and garments of silk. Reclining in the garden on raised thrones,
they saw there neither the sun's excessive heat nor excessive cold. (Surat
al-Insan: 12-13)
And Hell is placed in full view for all to see. (Surat an-Nazi'at: 36)
But on this day the believers laugh at the unbelievers. (Surat al-
Mutaffifin: 34)
And the sinful saw the fire and realized they are going to fall into it and
find no way of escaping from it. (Surat al-Kahf: 53)
In the above verses, the events we are to experience after death are
described as finished. This is because God is not bound to the relative
dimension of time and space as we are. God has willed all these events in
timelessness; human beings have done them, experienced them all and
brought them to a conclusion. The verse below reveals that every kind of
occurrence, great and small, happens within the knowledge of God and is
inscribed in a book.
You do not engage in any matter or recite any of the Koran or do any
action without Our witnessing you while you are occupied with it. Not
even the smallest speck eludes your Lord, either on earth or in heaven.
Nor is there anything smaller than that, or larger, which is not in a Clear
Book. (Surah Yunus: 61)
Time is a Perception Too 157