Page 22 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 22

e acknowledge that all the individual features of the world
                                         are experienced through our sense organs. The information
                                         that reaches us through those organs is converted into
                       W electrical signals, and the individual parts of our brain
                       analyze and process these signals. After this interpreting process takes place
                       inside our brain, we will, for example, see a book, taste a strawberry, smell a
                       flower, feel the texture of a silk fabric or hear leaves shaking in the wind.

                           We have been taught that we are touching the cloth outside of our body,
                       reading a book that is 30 cm (1 ft) away from us, smelling the trees that are far
                       away from us, or hearing the shaking of the leaves that are far above us.
                       However, this is all in our imagination. All of these things are happening
                       within our brains.
                           At this point we encounter another surprising fact; that there are, in fact,
                       no colors, voices or visions within our brain. All that can be found in our brains
                       are electrical signals. This is not a philosophical speculation. This is simply a
                       scientific description of the functions of our perceptions. In her book Mapping

                       The Mind, Rita Carter explains the way we perceive the world as follows:
                           Each one [of the sense organs] is intricately adapted to deal with its own
                           type of stimulus: molecules, waves or vibrations. But the answer does not
                           lie here, because despite their wonderful variety, each organ does
                           essentially the same job: it translates its particular type of stimulus into
                           electrical pulses. A pulse is a pulse is a pulse. It is not the colour red, or
                           the first notes of Beethoven's Fifth—it is a bit of electrical energy.
                           Indeed, rather than discriminating one type of sensory input from
                           another, the sense organs actually make them more alike.

                           All sensory stimuli, then enter the brain in more or less
                           undifferentiated form as a stream of electrical pulses created by neurons
                           firing, domino-fashion, along a certain route. This is all that happens.
                           There is no reverse transformer that at some stage turns this electrical
                           activity back into light waves or molecules. What makes one stream into
                           vision and another into smell depends, rather, on which neurons are
                           stimulated. 1
                           In other words, all of our feelings and perceptions about the world
                       (smells, visions, tastes etc.) are comprised of the same material, that is,
                       electrical signals. Moreover, our brain is what makes these signals meaningful

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