Page 28 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 28
blew a piece of dust or a small object into his eye, he might gently scratch his
itching, open eye and notice that the "material things" he saw moved upside
down or to the sides. He might then realize that material things seen in the
environment are not stable.
What this demonstrates is that every person throughout his or her life
witnesses everything inside their brain and cannot reach the specific
material objects that supposedly cause their experiences. The images we see
are copies in our brains of the objects that exist outside of us. We can never
know the originals of these copies.
Although German psychiatry professor Hoimar Von Ditfurth is a
materialist, he acknowledges this fact about scientific reality:
No matter how we put the argument, the result doesn't change. What
stands before us in full shape and what our eyes view is not the "world".
It is only its image, a resemblance, a projection whose association with
the original is open to discussion. 3
For example, when you take a look at the room in which you are sitting,
what you see is not the room outside of you, but a copy of the room that exists
in your brain. You will never be able to see the original room with your sense
How can a bright and colorful image
appear in your dark brain?
There is another point that should not be neglected; light cannot pass
through the skull. The physical area in which the brain is located is completely
dark, and light cannot possibly penetrate it. However, incredible as it may
seem, it is possible to observe a bright and colorful world in this total
darkness. Colorful natural beauty, bright sights, all the tones of the color green,
the colors of fruits, the designs of flowers, the brightness of the sun, people
walking on a busy road, fast cars in traffic, clothes in a shopping mall—are all
created in the dark brain.
Imagine a barbecue burning in front of you. You can sit and watch the fire
for a long time, but throughout this entire time, your brain never deals with the
original of light, brightness or heat from the fire. Even when you feel its heat
and see its light, the inside of your brain remains dark and maintains a