Page 94 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 94
surface, it becomes clearer that the mind is irreducible to matter. Materialists
must put aside their prejudices and think deeper and research further if they
are to understand the concept of human consciousness, as it is impossible to
define the real meaning of consciousness through matter. Consciousness is a
function of the soul that is given to man by God.
Questions For Materialists
It is totally illogical to state that thoughts, judgments, decision
mechanisms, or feelings (such as happiness, excitement, joy and peace) are
merely the results of the interaction of neurons in the brain of a human being.
Materialists who consider this issue more deeply are aware of this truth. The
famous materialist, Karl Lashley, made the following comment towards the
end of his career, even though he had defended the idea for years that human
consciousness could be reduced to matter:
Whether the mind-body relation is regarded as a genuine metaphysical
issue or a systematized delusion, it remains a problem for the
psychologist (and for the neurologist when he deals with human
problems) as it is not for the physicist. . . . How can the brain, as a
physico-chemical system, perceive or know anything; or develop the
delusion that it does so? 33
Lashley drew attention to this conflict in one single question. However,
there are many other details that materialists must consider. The explanations
listed below illustrate some of the issues that reveal the impasse of the
materialist approach, and which must therefore be considered in depth :
❏ Stating that thoughts, excitements and feelings are products of neurons
is to claim that such things are the products of the unconscious atoms, or
products of the sub elements of atoms, such as quarks or electrons.
❏ Unconscious atoms cannot know the feeling of happiness or sadness
and neither can they enjoy music, taste, good friendship or a chat with a friend.
❏ Unconscious atoms cannot be Darwinist or materialist and come
together to write a book.
❏ Unconscious atoms cannot view themselves or the nerve cells that form
themselves under an electron microscope and reach scientific solutions from
their research.