Page 16 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 16


            of those who are unaware of this purpose and choose to live
            a shallow, superficial life:
                Did you suppose that We created you for amusement
                and that you would not return to Us? (Surat al-
                Muminun: 115)
               During their time of testing in this world, humans are
            responsible for seeking Allah’s favor in everything they
            think and do, acting according to their conscience, leading a
            good moral life and doing good deeds. In spite of this evi-
            dent truth, as we said earlier, many live without regard for
            the purpose of creation and establish other superficial goals
            for themselves. Though these goals differ in every culture
            and segment of society, none of them in fact is directed pure-
            ly toward serving Allah and winning His favor.
               They want to graduate from good schools, attend the uni-
            versity of their choice, have good marriages with beautiful
            healthy children, endow their children with a good future,
            rise to high positions in their career, make good invest-
            ments, buy a comfortable house, a late-model car and a sum-
            mer home, have fashionable clothes for themselves and their
            children, and travel.
               Most superficial people live for these goals only. But
            none of them is the purpose for which humans find them-
            selves in this world. And these worldly things should not be
            made into goals or ideals; each one is merely a means to an
            end. Clearly, a person is in this world not to graduate from
            a good school or to rise in his or her career. Of course, these
            things are all blessings from Allah and there is no harm in
            enjoying them. But in the pursuit of these temporary goals,
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