Page 26 - Unawareness: A Sly Threat
P. 26
These prophets and messengers told their people about
Allah, His infinite power, and the Hereafter; showed proofs on
Earth and in the heavens of His existence; and, through vari-
ous means, called their people to faith in Allah and obedience
to Him. But most people, in spite of the wondrous order in all
that they could see, did not appreciate His power properly
and so continued to turn their backs on Him:
When Our Signs came to them in all their clarity, they
exclaimed: “This is downright magic!” And they repudi-
ated them wrongly and haughtily, despite their own cer-
tainty about them. See the final fate of the corrupters.
(Surat an-Naml: 13-14)
Allah warns people in different ways. This book, a believ-
er’s words, a person’s own conscience, or even an informa-
tive report in the press or some other publication can all serve
to warn people. Everything a person sees and hears actually
occurs through Allah’s choosing and, if evaluated in the
knowledge that they come from Him, can be understood as
warnings to turn to Him. Allah has sent us various warnings
and reminders, and in the Qur’an He commands us to correct
their behaviors and find the right path.