Page 2 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
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ince the first day humans were created, all those who acted hypocritically have made
history with their 'turpitude and contemptibleness'. Indeed, they have been remembered,
S from generation to generation, for the treacherous struggle they have given against
believers and they have been known as the 'despised and belittled' ones in every period
throughout history. Big or small, every contemptible act they carried out has been committed
to the memories as a part of history.
The hypocrites of today will also become subject of books, just as the infamous hypocrites
in history, such as Pharaoh, Nimrod, Qarun, Samiri have been recorded in books or
historical accounts. The hypocrites of the End Times will be known for their evilness just like
the hypocrites of those times. Their names will also be told from generation to generation;
their treachery will also make history.
These evil creatures will be known as 'the most infamous hypocrites of their era' until the
Judgment Day. They will also be known for their immorality in the hereafter and they will be
denigrated for all eternity.
The goal of this book is to call all hypocrites and the ones who adopt attitudes resembling
those of the hypocrites to the true path by elucidating the danger of hypocrisy while they still
have the opportunity to repent. Our aim is to make them think and embrace faith with a
sincere heart before encountering irremediable torment in the hereafter. It is to warn them by
explaining them the fact that nothing is gained through immorality, insidious ruses and
recreant traps; and that the only actuality they will face is the torment of hell. We want to
remind them that if they repent, live by good morals and love God deeply, they will find the
best of everything they yearn for, both in this world and in the hereafter.
Yet let those who stick to and insist on hypocrisy, those who don't want to turn to the right
path by heeding the advice, remember this: Our God informed us about this reality in the
Qur'an with the verse that reads: "... God will not give unbelievers any way against believers.''
(Surat An-Nisa', 141) God will never give success to unbelievers or hypocrites; to those who
look for a path against Muslims and who nefariously trick them. This is a definite and constant
promise of God. Surely God never breaks His promises.
Those who will be victorious in the end are the sincere Muslims who are the party of God.
That is because, as God stated in the Qur'an, "... All might belongs to God" (Surah Yunus, 65).
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Adnan Oktar, who writes under the pen-name Harun
Yahya, was born in Ankara in 1956. Since the 1980s, the author has published
many books on faith-related, scientific and political issues. He is well-known
as the author of important works disclosing the imposture of evolutionists,
their invalid claims, and the dark liaisons between Darwinism and such bloody
ideologies as fascism and communism.
All of the author's works share one single goal: To convey the Qur'an's mes-
sage, encourage readers to consider basic faith-related issues such as God's
existence and unity and the hereafter; and to expose irreligious systems' fee-
ble foundations and perverted ideologies. His more than 300 works, translated
into 76 different languages, enjoy a wide readership across the world.
By the will of God, the books of Harun Yahya will be a means through which people in the twenty-first
century will attain the peace, justice, and happiness promised in the Qur'an.
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