Page 46 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 46


               people and gain a place and a good reputation among them, once again, they seek to
               take advantage of Muslims. Without hesitation, they share all the information -sig-
               nificant or not- they have obtained from the believers, who provide them with all

               sorts of beauties, and a safe and loving atmosphere, with these people who consider
               Muslims their enemies. And while they do not confide in Muslims about their private
               lives, they see no harm in sharing all this information with these strangers whom
               they consider cherished friends.
                   In a verse of the Qur'an, God informs the Muslims about this immorality of
               hypocrites saying, "…those who listen to lies, listening to other people who have
               not come to you...":
                   O Messenger! Do not be grieved by those who rush headlong into unbelievers
                   among those who say 'We have faith' with their tongues when their hearts
                   contain no faith. And among the Jews are those who listen to lies, listening

                   to other people who have not come to you... (Surat al-Ma'ida, 41)

                   In the verse, hypocritical people are defined as 'people who say they have faith
               with their tongues when their hearts contain no faith'. Furthermore, God informs

               the believers that these people 'secretly gather information, intelligence and news

               from among the believers in order to report these to the non-Muslims'. hypocrites

               hope that when they convey this knowledge to the people who strive against the

               Muslims, with the information they have provided they will earn their friendship

               and trust. They believe that they will generate tremendous excitement and admiration

               in these people, thus securing a good place among them.

                   Yet their dreams are never realized because relationships that are not built upon

               faith and mutual interests are instead hollow and temporary. And as hypocrites are

               well aware of this, they constantly look for ways to keep this excitement alive. They

               ceaselessly strive to obtain new information and hidden secrets and share them

               with unbelievers, whom they consider their true friends.

                   It is a glaringly obvious fact that a person who bears sincere faith and love of
               God in his heart does not take genuine pleasure from being friends with and having
               long idle conversations with people who are devoid of faith. And in no way would
               they share any information that could endanger the lives of Muslims putting them in
               harm's way or jeopardizing their safety. On the contrary, a person who has faith
               never agrees to be in an environment where God is not remembered, where idle

               conversations take place, where people speak against Islam and the Muslims. And

               he devotedly strives to ensure the safety, ease, and comfort of the Muslims. He never

               behaves in a way that will cause harm in this regard. Thus, the sympathy, admiration

               and devotion that hypocritical people feel toward those who are devoid of faith

               provides considerable evidence of how untrustworthy and duplicitous they are.

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