Page 18 - Let’s Learn Our Islam
P. 18
The Existence of Man
Have you ever wondered how man came into existence? You will
probably say, "Everyone has a mother and father." But that answer is
inadequate. After all, it does not explain how the first mother and father,
that is, the first man, came into being. You will most probably have heard
some stories on this subject at school or from people around you. Yet the
only accurate answer is that it is Allah Who created you. We will dwell
on this issue in detail in the coming chapters. For now, there is one thing
we must all know; The first human being who appeared on earth was the
Prophet Adam, peace be upon him. All human beings are descended from
Adam, peace be upon him, was, just like us, a man who walked,
talked, prayed and worshipped Allah. Allah first created him and then his
wife. Then their children spread all over the world.
Never forget that Allah only needs to give a command in order to
create. When He wishes something to be, He gives the command "Be!"
and it comes into being. He has enough power to do anything. For
example, He created Adam from clay. This is easy for Allah.
However, never forget that there are also people who deny Allah's
existence. These people give other answers to the question of how people
came into existence. They do not search for the truth.