Page 42 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 42


                         UPON SOCIAL LIFE

                                isbelief has various negative impacts upon human
                                beings and societies alike. In a society far removed
                     D from religion, the basic characteristics of its mem-
                     bers are injustice, selfishness and untrustworthiness; this is in-
                     evitably the nature of disbelieving societies. Only the values of
                     religion assure moral perfection for societies and individuals.

                     Those having faith in Allah and the hereafter conduct them-
                     selves responsibly, since they only live to attain the approval of
                     Allah. Fearing Allah, they cautiously avoid wicked deeds, atti-
        40           tudes and behavior not praised by Allah. A society dominated
                     by such people becomes one that does not experience social
                         However, a disbelieving person, failing to recognize that
                     he will ultimately be rewarded or punished for his deeds, does
                     not observe the limits of Allah. Disregarding the Day of
                     Judgment, he simply does not see any necessity to curb his
                     wickedness. Despite avoiding certain socially unfavorable

                     forms of behavior, many people do not hesitate to commit oth-
                     er evils when they are urged, encouraged to, or have an oppor-

                          THE NIGHTMARE OF DISBELIEF
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