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Darwin’in Anlayamadığı Kambriyen

                  170 N.D.Newell, Why Scientists Believe in Evolution, 1984, s. 10,  190. Ale xan der I. Opa rin, Ori gin of Li fe, (1936) New York, Do ver
                  American Geological Institute kitapçığı  Pub li ca ti ons, 1953, s.196
                  171 John G. Maisey, Fossil Fishes, Westview Press, Boulder, CO. ,
                                                    191. "New Evi den ce on Evo lu ti on of Early At mosp he re and Li fe",
                  2000, s. 61.
                                                    Bul le tin of the Ame  ri can Me te oro lo gi cal So  ci ety, c. 63, Ka sım 1982,
                  172 Stephen Jay Gould, “The Ediacaran Experiment”, Natural  s. 1328-1330
                  History, Şubat 1984, s. 22-23 -
                                                    192. Stan ley Mil ler, Mo le cu lar Evo lu ti on of Li fe: Cur rent Sta tus of
                                                    the Pre bi otic Synthe sis of Small Mo le cu les, 1986, s. 7
                  173 Ernst Mayr, One Long Argument:Charles Darwin and Genesis
                  of Modern Evolutionary Thought, Harvard University Press,  193. Jeff rey Ba da, Earth, Şu bat 1998, s. 40
                  Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1991, s. 138  194. Les lie E. Or gel, The Ori gin of Li fe on Earth, Sci en ti fic Ame ri -
                  174 Garret Vanderkooi, “Evolution as a Scientific Theory”, In  can, c. 271, Ekim 1994, s. 78
                  Christianity Today, Mayıs 7, 1971, s. 13
                                                    195. Char les Dar win, The Ori gin of Spe ci es: A Fac si mi le of the First
                  175 Pierre-Paul Grassé, Evolution of Living Organisms, Academic
                                                    Edi ti on, Har vard Uni ver sity Press, 1964, s. 189
                  Press, New York, N.Y. 1977, s. 97
                                                    196. Char les Dar win, The Ori gin of Spe ci es: A Fac si mi le of the First
                  176 Pierre-Paul Grassé, Evolution of Living Organisms, Academic
                                                    Edi ti on, Har vard Uni ver sity Press, 1964, s. 184
                  Press, New York, N.Y. 1977, s. 88
                  177 Colin Patterson, “Cladistics”, Brian Leek ile Röportaj, Peter  197. B. G. Ran ga nat han, Ori gins?, Pennsyl va nia: The Ban ner Of
                  Franz, 4 Mart 1982, BBC           Truth Trust, 1988.
                  178 J. W. Valentine and D. H. Erwin, AInterpreting Great
                                                    198. Char les Dar win, The Ori  gin of Spe ci es: A Fac si mi le of the First
                  Developmental Experiments: the Fossil Record, Development as an  Edi  ti on, Har vard Uni ver sity Press, 1964, s. 179
                  Evolutionary Process, New York, Liss Yayınevi, 1987, s. 88
                                                    199. De rek A. Ager, "The Na tu re of the Fos sil Re cord", Pro ce edings
                  179 J. W. Valentine and D. H. Erwin, AInterpreting Great
                                                    of the Bri tish Ge olo gi cal As so ci ati on, c. 87, 1976, s. 133
                  Developmental Experiments: the Fossil Record, Patterns and
                  Processes in the History of Life (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1986)  200. Do ug las J. Fu tuy ma, Sci en ce on Tri al, New York: Pant he on
                  180 Susumo Ohno, “The notion of the Cambrian pananimalia  Bo oks, 1983. s. 197
                  genome”, Proceedings of the National Academy of  201. Solly Zuc ker man, Be yond The Ivory To wer, New York: Top lin -
                  Sciences,(Ağustos 1996): 8475-78   ger Pub li ca ti ons, 1970, s. 75-94; Char les E. Ox nard, "The Pla ce of
                  181                               Aust ra lo pit he ci nes in Hu man Evo lu ti on: Gro unds for Do ubt", Na tu re,
          c. 258, sf. 389
                                                    202. J. Ren nie, "Dar win's Cur rent Bull dog: Ernst Mayr", Sci en ti fic
                  182 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution (Science or Myth, Why
                                                    Ame ri can, Ara lık 1992
                  Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong?), Regnery
                                                    203. Alan Wal ker, Sci en ce, c. 207, 1980, sf. 1103; A. J. Kel so,
                  Publishing, 2000, s. 44
                                                    Physi cal Ant  ro po logy, 1. bas kı, New York: J. B. Li pin cott Co., 1970,
                  183 J. S. Levinton, AThe Big Bang of Animal Evolution, Scentific
                                                    sf. 221; M. D. Le akey, Ol du vai Gor ge, c. 3, Camb rid ge: Camb rid ge
                  American, vol 267, 1992, s. 84
                                                    Uni ver sity Press, 1971, s. 272
                  184 M. Grene, Encounter, Kasım 1959, s. 48-50
                  185 Stephen Jay Gould, “The Evolution of Life on Earth”, Scientific  204. Ti me, Ka sım 1996
                  American, vol 271, Ekim 1994, s.89  205. S. J. Go uld, Na tu ral His tory, c. 85, 1976, s. 30
                  186 Duane T. Gish, Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No!, Institude of
                                                    206. Solly Zuc ker man, Be yond The Ivory To wer, New York: Top lin -
                  Creation Research, California, 1985, s. 59
                                                    ger Pub lications, 1970, s. 19
                  187 Duane T. Gish, Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No!, Institude of
                                                    207. Ric hard Lewon tin, "The Demon-Haun ted World", The New
                  Creation Research, California, 1985, s. 60
                                                    York Review of Books, 9 Ocak 1997, s. 28
                  188 Luther Sunderland, Darwin’s Enigma, “Ebbing the Tide of
                  Naturalism”, Master Books, 2002, s. 53  208. Mal colm Mug gerid ge, The End of Chris ten dom, Grand Rapids:
                  189. Sid ney Fox, Kla us Do se, Mo le cu lar Evo lu ti on and The Ori gin of  Eerd mans, 1980, s.43
                  Li fe, New York: Mar cel Dek ker, 1977, s. 2
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