Page 68 - Deep Thinking
P. 68
Even examining the movement of the ant is thought provoking. It
moves its infinitesimal legs in a sequential and extremely organized man-
ner knowing perfectly which leg should take the first step and which the
next. It moves very rapidly without faltering.
This tiny insect lifts crumbs much bigger than its own body size. It car-
ries them to its nest with heart and soul. It travels distances that are very long
in comparison to its tiny body. On featureless land, with no guide at its ser-
vice, it can easily find its nest. Despite the entrance of the nest being too small
even for us to find, it is not confused and finds it no matter where it is.
When one sees in the garden those ants, lined up one after the other,
ardently toiling to carry food to their nest, one cannot stop wondering
what kind of purpose these tiny living beings might have in working so
hard. Then one realizes that not only does the ant carry food for itself, but
also for other members of its colony, for the queen ant and baby ants. How
such a tiny ant, which does not even have a developed brain, knows dili-
gence, discipline and self-sacrifice is a point on which one needs to reflect.
After pondering these facts, one reaches the following conclusion: ants,
like all other living beings, act by the inspiration of Allah and obey His
commands alone.
The ivy winding itself around an object looks like the
movement of a conscious being.