Page 89 - Deep Thinking
P. 89

Those Things that Need to be Thought About             87

             faces,  places   and
                                                          Allah takes back peo-
             sounds never seen or
                                                         ple's selves when their
             heard before that day.                     death arrives and those
             Who is it, then, that                       who have not yet died,
             shows these images in                       while they are asleep.
             a dream while asleep?                       He keeps hold of those
                                                         whose death has been
             One who reflects upon
                                                         decreed and sends the
             such questions once
                                                        others back for a speci-
             again sees the obvious
                                                        fied term. There are cer-
             truth: it is Allah Who                      tainly Signs in that for
             makes men sleep,                              people who reflect.
             takes back their souls                       (Surat az-Zumar: 42)
             while they are asleep,
             sends them back to
             them when they awake
             and shows them their
             dreams in sleep.
                 Someone     who
             knows    that   Allah
             shows the dreams also
             reflects  upon    the
             dream's hidden pur-
             poses and the reasons for their creation. In one's dream, one is as sure of
             the people and events he experiences as when awake. We think that all of
             them really exist, that the lives we dream are uninterrupted and continu-
             ous. If somebody comes up to us and says, "You are having a dream now,
             wake up", we would not believe him. Someone who realizes this, on the
             other hand, thinks as follows: "Who can say that the life of this world is
             not also a temporary and dream-like life? Just as I wake up from a dream,
             one day I will also wake up from the life of this world and see totally dif-
             ferent images, for instance, the images of the Hereafter…"
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