Page 98 - Deep Thinking
P. 98

He is Allah.
          There is no
         god but Him.
         Praise be to                            And remember Our servants
          Him at the                             Ibrahim, Ishaq and Ya‘qub, men of
          first and at                           true strength and inner sight. We
            the last.                            purified their sincerity through sin-
           Judgement                             cere remembrance of the Abode.
                                                   (Surah Sad: 45-46)
           belongs to
                                                     What are they awaiting but for
         Him. You will
                                                     the Hour to come upon them
        be returned to
                                                     suddenly? Its Signs have already
          Him. (Surat
                                                     come. What good will their
         al-Qasas: 70)
                                                     reminder be to them when it
                                                     does arrive? (Surah Muhammad:

                                                         Allah Summons Man to
                                                     Think about the Animate
                                                       Beings He Creates

                                                        Your Lord revealed to the
                                                         bees: "Build dwellings in
                                                          the mountains and the
                                                         trees, and also in the struc-
                                                        tures which men erect. Then
                                                       eat from every kind of fruit
                                                       and travel the paths of your
                                                        Lord, which have been made
                                                     easy for you to follow." From
                                                     inside them comes a drink of

                                                            He who reflects can see
                                                            many extraordinary features
                                                            in the animate beings Allah
                                                            creates. This way, he can
                                                            come to know the endless
                                                            power and knowledge of
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