Page 326 - Darwin DNA'yı Bilseydi
P. 326

Harun Yahya


               Christ lic he Li te ra tur-Ver brei tung e.V.,  ory," Mat he ma ti cal Chal len ges to the Ne o-
               Al man ya, 1999, s. 75.           Dar wi ni an In ter pre ta ti on of Evo lu ti on,
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               Al man ya, 1999, s. 75.           71. A. E. Wil der-Smith, The Na tu ral Sci -
               60. Carl Wie land, "The Mar vel lo us  en ces: Know Not hing of Evo lu ti on, T. W.
               'Mes sa ge  Mo le cu le'",  Cre ati on, Ey lül  F. T. Pub lis hers, ABD, s. 97.
               1995, cilt 17, no. 4, ss. 10–13.  72. Deny se O'Le ary, By De sign or By
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               62. Le e Spet ner, Not By Chan ce, Shat te -  73. Ge rald L. Schroe der, Tan rı'nın Sak lı
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               1995, cilt 17, no. 4, ss. 10–13; [Jérôme Le -  75. Ge rald L. Schroe der, Tan rı'nın Sak lı
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               64. Wer ner Gitt, The Won der of Man,  yın la rı, İs tan bul, 2003, s. 214.
               Christ lic he Li te ra tur-Ver brei tung e.V.,  77. Al bert L. Leh nin ger, Da vid L. Nel -
               Al man ya, 1999, s. 75.           son, Mic ha el M. Cox, Prin cip les of Bi oc -
               65. Tom Aba te, "Hu man Ge no me Map  he mistry, 2. bas kı, Worth Pub lis hers,
               Has Sci en tists Tal king Abo ut the Di vi ne  1993, New York, s. 892.
               Sur pri singly Low Num ber of Ge nes  78. Da vid S. Go od sell, The Mac hi nery of
               Rai ses Big Qu es ti ons", San Fran cis co  Li fe, Sprin ger-Ver lag, New York Inc.,
               Chro nic le, 19 Şu bat 2001.      1993, s. 45.
               66. Da vid S. Go od sell, Our Mo le cu lar  79. Al bert L. Leh nin ger, Da vid L. Nel -
               Na tu re, Sprin ger-Ver lag, New York,  son, Mic ha el M. Cox, Prin cip les of Bi oc -
               1996, s. 36.                      he mistry, 2. bas kı, Worth Pub lis hers,
               67. Deny se O'Le ary, By De sign or By  1993, New York, s. 892.
               Chan ce?, Cast le Ovay Bo oks, Ka na da,  80. Da vid S. Go od sell, The Mac hi nery of
               2004, s. 173.                     Li fe, Sprin ger-Ver lag, New York Inc.,
               68. A. E. Wil der-Smith, The Na tu ral Sci -  1993, s. 17.
               en ces: Know Not hing of Evo lu ti on, T. W.  81. Mic ha el J. Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny,
               F. T. Pub lis hers, ABD, ss. 78-79.  Fre e Press, New York, 1998, s. 158.
               69. Ric hard Mil ton, Shat te ring the Myths  82. Mic ha el J. Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny,
               of Dar wi nism, Park Stre et Press Roc hes -  Fre e Press, New York, 1998, s. 157.
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               70. M. Eden, "Ina de qu aci es of Ne o-Dar -  Fre e Press, New York, 1998, s. 157.
               wi ni an Evo lu ti on as a Sci en ti fic The -  84. Mic ha el J. Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny,
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