Page 25 - The Miracle Of Talking Birds
P. 25

their own distinct resonances. Where these resonances occur,
                  the overtones of the frequencies (or number of vibrations)

                  from the vocal cords are amplified. Formants (from the Latin
                  formare: to shape, or form) are resonant frequencies of the vo-
                  cal tract, the natural shapes that air assumes in the vocal pas-
                  sage. When you make a consonant, for example, this has an ef-

                  fect on the formants of the neighbouring vowels, raising or
                  lowering formants as the vowel sound gets closer to the cor-
                  sonant. Experiments have shown that two formants are suffi-

                  cient in order to differentiate speech sounds from each other.  5


                                                               African Grey Parrot

                Mynah bird, a
                member of the
                crow family
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